Noise reduction, noise suppression, noise removal, or denoise. Here’s how to remove noise in FL Studio for any of your vocals or samples. The easy way.
Why remove background noise?
When you record audio, you will also capture background noise. Background noise ruins the quality of your clip and that’s why we want to remove it.
How to remove noise in FL Studio
To do that, you can use two strategies.
1. Noise gate
One strategy is to use a noise gate. But a noise gate only removes noise before and after the audio, and not within. It is very useful, but not the ultimate noise reducer tool.
2. Denoiser
So to remove background noise all the way throughout, let’s use a denoiser. A denoiser scans your audio clip, finds the bad parts, and removes any hiss, hum, rumble, or unwanted noise. This leaves you with a clean sample that you can use in your song without having to worry about quality.
In the video is an example of me talking with background noise. It’s most noticeable with headphones or higher volumes.
If you can live with my voice, and you want to make awesome songs, definitely consider subscribing.
Now, let’s get ready to remove noise rumble.
Noise reduction in Edison
In FL Studio add your sample to the Playlist. Then double-click on it to open the Sampler. On the Sampler, right-click on the waveform and select “Edit in audio editor”. This will open your sample in Edison.
Edison comes with a built-in denoiser that will do the job for us. But to make it work properly, the denoiser needs to scan a noisy part of your sample first and acquire a noise profile. The noise profile will be used to clean up the entire clip.
Maybe it can clean up the house too. I’ll update you once I know.
How to acquire noise profile in Edison
So, if possible, select a quiet part in your sample that contains only noise. Try to select the longest noise part that you can find. Then, right-click on the toothbrush button, which is the denoise function. By right-clicking on it you will acquire a noise profile within a few seconds.
How to clean up (denoise) a sample in Edison
Next, select the part you wish to denoise. This is usually the entire clip. Then left-click on the toothbrush button to open the Denoiser.
Now, don’t get overwhelmed by all the options. You only need a few to achieve results. So let’s get this done quickly.
Denoise amount
By default, the “Threshold” at 0 dB is good starting point. So, let’s mainly use the “Amount”. The “Amount” simply controls how much noise will be removed from your sample. So, play around with this button until your sample sounds good.
To hear what your sample sounds like, press the “Preview” button. Do this each time you change the “Amount”. Thereby, if you underdo the “Amount”, you will not remove enough noise.
But if you overdo the “Amount”, you can ruin the sample and get an underwater sound. And that’s only good if you’re living in a submarine, I guess.
Hence, your aim is to find that sweet spot of maximum denoise, without ruining your sample. A good rule of thumb is to remove just enough so that the noise is barely noticeable, and not any further.
How to remove noise in Edison
Once you’re happy, press “Accept”. This will initiate the denoising process. Denoising can take some time depending on the duration of your sample. Though, pretty soon your sample will be clean and ready.
Using your denoised sample in FL Studio
You can now save it as a WAV file by pressing the floppy disk button, or send it directly to the Playlist as an audio clip.
Now, in the video I will play both an original and denoised audio clip, so you can hear the difference. Unfortunately it can’t fix my voice, but it definitely sounds better and cleaner after noise reduction.
Use mixer effects to achieve maximum power
Afterwards, you can send your sample to the mixer and add effects, such as an equalizer or compressor to achieve maximum power. But those are topics for another time.
Noise reduction software
Soon, I might show you how to remove noise in Adobe Audition or other tools that are even better. So, stay tuned and leave a comment if you have any questions.