Here’s how to remove noise in Adobe Audition, literally within a few seconds.
Noise reduction methods for audio
If you end up with that pesky background noise in your voice recordings or samples, follow these 2 easy methods to get rid of it instantly.
Both methods are perfect to clean up your vocals and samples from any hiss, hum, rumble, or static noise. But beware, this is best noticeable with headphones or higher volumes.
Denoise in Adobe Audition (method 1)
DeNoise is a convenient tool in Adobe Audition that finds noise in your audio automatically and removes it straight away.
How to use denoise in Adobe audition
To use the denoiser, open your sample in Audition first. You can drag ‘n drop it from your computer or open it via the “Files” menu.
When you have added a sample, click “Effects” in the menu, select “Noise Reduction / Restoration”, and click “DeNoise…” That will bring up the denoiser.
All you need to do is tweak the “Amount” slider. The “Amount” determines how much noise will be removed from your audio. Each time you make a change, press the “Preview/Play” button, so you can hear it. Pro tip: you can play your audio in a loop and hear all changes continuously.
How much denoise do you need
Mind you though, if you use a low “Amount”, you may not remove enough noise. But if you use a high “Amount”, you can get artifacts, such as an underwater sound.
So, the aim is to move the slider to a point where the noise is barely gone. Then stop and don’t go any further. This actually sounds like solid life advise I should follow.
How to apply denoise
When you’re done, simply press “Apply”. This will remove the noise from your sample, making you a happy camper.
Now DeNoise is great, but the next method might work even better. But if you don’t want to miss my best strategies and shortcuts, take a second right now to denoise the subscribe button.
Noise reduction in Adobe Audition (method 2)
Noise Reduction is a fantastic tool in Adobe Audition that takes a noise print and uses it to clean up your audio. The noise print is of course unique to each sample.
How to use noise reduction in Adobe Audition
All you have to do is select the longest noisy part in your clip that you can find. Just click ‘n drag the area that contains noise.
Then, open the Noise Reduction tool by clicking “Effects” in the menu, selecting “Noise Reduction / Restoration”, and then “Noise Reduction (process)…”
In the new window, simply press “Capture Noise Print”. This button will identify the noise based on your selection.
When the noise has been captured, select the part of your sample you want to denoise. This is usually the entire clip. So to make it easy, click on the button that says: “Select Entire File”.
How much noise reduction do you need
As far as the other options go, you don’t really have to bother too much. Of course feel free to experiment, but if all goes well, your sample should be clean now. And to hear that, again, press the “Preview/Play” button.
How to apply noise reduction
When you like the result, just press “Apply”, and your audio will be clean for good.
How to save in Adobe Audition
Of course, you want to save the changes you’ve made by clicking “File” in the menu, and then “Save as…” Check all the settings, name, location, format, etc. and click “Ok”.
What to do after background noise removal?
But to get the most out of your sample or voice recording, you might also benefit from other effects, such as a De-Esser, equalizer, or compressor. But those are topics for another time.
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